Membership Information
We have membership options for those living in the Greater Lansing area and those beyond!
Membership in Greater Lansing is open to any Zeta Tau Alpha alumna.
Membership Fees:
We have a new dues structure in 2024. Please let us know if you have any questions about what level would be best for you. Dinners out or other outings are an individual expense as you are able to attend. Dues are paid at the start of the fiscal year (August 1st) or by the first regular meeting in September.
2024-2025 Greater Lansing Membership Levels
- New Alum (within 3 years of under graduation): $25*
- Virtual Only (lives more than 60 miles from Lansing): $35*
- In-Person Member: $45*
- Turquoise True: $75 (extra fees help fund programming, Beta Phi chapter support, and convention delegate dues)
- Steel Sister: $100 (extra fees help fund programming, Beta Phi chapter support, and convention delegate dues, and new alum membership sponsorship)
- White Violet: $35 (rate is locked through 2034 unless national dues exceeds this amount)
*After November 1, there will be a $10 increase for membership levels $45 and under. This is to encourage sisters to join early and help us with budgeting and reporting.
Membership Involvement
Our expectations are that members come when it fits their schedule, nothing is mandatory or required, we are all very busy and participate in the fundraising, philanthropy and social events as we are able.
We use email and our Facebook Group to send out notices and ask that you do RSVP so we can get an accurate count. If you are willing, able and interested to offer some extra time to hostess or plan an event or serve for a term as an officer, please let us know!
Please fill our our Membership Form to join. If you have questions before joining, contact us at